We believe and value that family is the next most important thing to our relationship with Jesus Christ! Therefore, every ministry is prayerfully and thoughtfully crafted to you and your loved ones on growing, maturing, and succeeding in every aspect in life!
Worship is an opportunity for us to draw closer to Jesus by praising his name, reflecting all He has done, and giving thanks for all He is going to do! Every Sunday morning at Journey Church includes live worship for kids in the kids wing and adults in the main worship center!
Making relationships and connections is one of the primary reasons the Lord made us! We value connection and encouragement here at Journey and the best way to say hello is to get plugged into a life group and a ministry! Be sure to check out our life groups and sign up for one today!
Do you have a desire to make a big impact behind the scenes? If so, media ministry just might be the place for you! We have media, lighting, and sound engineers that train and teach new people all the time on how to serve in one of the most vital ministries on Sunday Morning!
We pride ourselves on providing best in class quality kids ministry here at Journey Church. Rather it's getting your kids connected, live worship, interactive Bible teachings, or simply having a good time in a Christ-centered environment full of games, colors, and activities, we have the best in the county and we're proud of it!
Our food outreach is available 1-3 Tuesday of every month from 10am-12pm.
Kingdom Builders
Kingdom Builders is our yearly giving commitment of $1 each day, for the entire year, on top of our tithes and offerings in order to build the Kingdom of God through missions, community outreaches and our weekly food ministry. Join us as we bring the hope of Jesus to the world.
Every Wednesday Night in our activity center @6:00pm, your youth is invited to a fun filled evening of dinner in our cafe, live worship, energized teachings, and hanging out in our gymnasium before or after service! Our youth is growing beyond leaps and bounds and we want you to be apart of it!
We believe that Christ died for every person, and that every person deserves to be loved and ministered to. We are strong supporters of domestic and international missionaries. Every prayer and every dollar makes a difference in someone potentially knowing Jesus.
Making a first impressions goes a long way with people who are looking to get plugged in or simply looking for a church to draw closer to Jesus. We have several ministries who utilize this service and we would love for you to be apart of it! First impressions covers Greeters, Ushers, Connections desk, kids, coffee and more!
Journey Women
Need a community of Godly women in your life? Join our Journey Women’s Ministry! They hold events once a month to allow an opportunity to meet new faces and make friends with a same love for God. We want to see you there so please see Jammie Allgeier for more info or keep an eye on our events and sign ups on our event tab or welcome desk!
Journey Men
Need a community of Godly men in your life? Join our Journey Men’s ministry! More info is available at our Ministry Booths on Sundays and online under events.